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Averill, Barry William
Barry, Margaret Mae & Crowley, Timothy Francis
Beutter, Marthin & Kasenhelf, Anna Barbara
Beutter, Martin & Hartmann, Anna Maria
Beutter, Anna Maria & Kuntz, Hanß Jacob
Beutter, Anna Barbara & Haigis, Johann Jacob
Beutter, Martin Benedikt & Wangner, Elisabetha Margaretha
Beutter, Johann Caspar & Schmid, Anna Maria
Beutter, Johann Jakob & Gramale, Susanna
Beutter, Johannes & Grotz, Anna Maria
Beutter, Anna Maria & Traub, Andreas
Beutter, Barbara & Fischer, Johann Franz
Beutter, Susanna & Traub, Johannes
Beutter, Margaretha Susanna & Jäger, Johann Martin
Bianchi, Francesco & Ciano, Mariannina
Bianchi, Bianca Maria Michela Palimera & Cataldo, Bartelimeo
Bianchi, Bianca Maria Michela Palimera & Barone, Girolamo
Bianco, Nicholas & Barbieri, Elizabeth
Bianco, Giovanni & Sivori, Louisa
Bianco, Antonio Luigi & Edith A.
Bianco, Dora
Bianco, Amelia B. & Devoti, Edward John
Bianco, Edward J & Frettered, Mary
Bianco, Walter John & Fullert, Edna Marie
Bianco, Harold John
Bisso, James Jerome & Kutzing, Irene H.
Bisso, Edward J. Sr. & Bencivenga, Madeline
Bisso, Tesse & Nowack
Bisso, Virginia M. & Whitehurst
Bisso, Ruth "Babe" Emily
Bisso, Edward J., Jr. & Eskra, Annette
Bohl, John Martin
Bohl, Patricia Irene
Cahill, Mary & Barry, Thomas W.
Cahill, John M (Jack) & Brady, Catherine
Cahill, John Joseph & Feeney, Mary A.
Cahill, Adeline & Frye, James Jennings
Cahill, Catherine A. & Mahon, Joseph Francis
Cahill, Matthew James & Curry, Helen Beatrice
Cahill, Eugene Aloysius
Cahill, Eugene Aloysius. Jr
Cahill (or Cathail), John & Smythe, Margaret
Cahill (or Cathail), Matthew J & Farley, Mary
Capurro, Paolo & Garbarino, Agostina
Capurro, Carlo Giambattista & Perasso, Caterina
Capurro, Caterina & Carbone, Andrea
Capurro, Luigi & Lagomarsino, Louisa Elizabeth
Capurro, Maria Rosa & Bisso, John
Capurro, Frederico
Capurro, Nicholas Joseph & Bradley, Rita A.
Capurro, Evelyn & Seibel, John
Cataldo, Tullio
Chichester, George Harloe & Williams, Jane Taylor
Chichester, Helen M. & Carruthers
Chichester, Helen M.
Conversano, Ann
Conversano, Blanche
Conversano, Jean
Conversano, Josephine
Conversano, Nettie
Conversano, Veronica
Coughlin, Kenneth Francis
Crowley, Thomas Joseph & Vance, Ollie May
Crowley, Mary Alice (Marion) & Tierney, Lawrence Hugh
Crowley, Timothy Francis (Frank) & Brown, Ethel Mae
Crowley, Margaret Mary (Marjorie) & Hastings, John Ambrose
Crowley, Eunice Genevieve & Reilly, John Francis
Crowley, Eunice Genevieve & Lane
Crowley, Gertrude & Averill, William Patrick
Crowley, Mary Margaret & Page, Robert Neil
Crowley, Anna Mae & Weinrich, John Merritt
Crowley, Thomas Joseph Jr & Kirby, Jean
Crowley, Thomas Joseph Jr & Lacuata, Maxima Manzano
Crowley, William Vance
Darlage, Walter
Ditterline, Roy Edwin, Jr. & Turner, Clydie
Ditterline, Robert Nicklas & Jackson, Ivy Gloria
Ditterline, Elizabeth Virginia
Ditterline, Dorothy Anne & Fisher, Frederick Mertins
Ditterline, Carol Jean
Feldmaier, Carl W. & Dorothy
Feldmaier, George A. & Harner, Janet Kathryn
Feldmaier, Harold Richard
Feldmaier, Richard C.
Fletcher, Barbara Jean
Fletcher, Richard Charles
Frye, Joseph
Frye, James Burchman & Leardon, Frances Joan
Garbarini, John F. & Isabelle
Geyer, Carrie & Weidig, Walter Fredrich
Geyer, Nellie & Crockett
Gramale, Jacob & Hartmann, Veronika
Granato, John & Tecla
Granato, Domenico & Maci, Maria
Granato, Phillidelphio
Granato, Francesco & Maria
Granato, Josephina & Impollitito, Frank
Hartmann, Caspar
Harves, Eliese Adeline & Quade, Frank Fredrick
Hastings, John Barry & Ortell, Mercedes (Patty)
Hastings, Virginia Marie & Suarez, Ricardo J.
Hehman, Charles Edward & Pottschmidt, Edna Sopha Emma
Hehman, Robert Donald & Royse, Juanita Joan
Hess, Barbara Lyn
Keller, Karl J. & Frieda
Keller, Emma R. & Feldmaier, William J.
Keller, George William & McClure, Dorothy
Keller, George William & Catherine V.
Keller, Nathan & Bunny
Koebel, Michael & Minnie or Annie or Maria
Lagomarsino, Giovanni & Sarracco, Maria
Lagomarsino, Maria V. & Garbarini, Stephen Charles
Link, Father Of Christiana & Mother Of Christina Link
Maci, Santo & Muscio, Concetta
Maci, Salvatore & Sorgi, Gaetana
Maci, Andrea
Mahon, Catherine
Masillo, Father Of Michele
Masillo, Michele & Marano, Gaetana
Masillo, Vincenzo & Costa, Veronica
Masillo, Guiseppe
Masillo, Lucia & Vitelli, Guiseppe
Masillo, Vito & Bianchi, Bianca Maria Michela Palimera
Masillo, Madelina & DiStasio, Donato
Masillo, Angelo Ricardo & Mary
Masillo, Luigi & Maria
Masillo, Antonio (third son of Michele) & Gemma
Masillo, Teresa
Masillo, Silvio & Raphaela
Masillo, Gaetano T. & Morscariello, Raffaela
Masillo, Vito (Victor) & De Catalano, Sara A.
Masillo, Vincenzo James & Benza, Rosina Angelina
Masillo, Antonio & Granato, Tecla
Masillo, Richard Cosmo & Giordana, Clementina
Masillo, Madelina
Masillo, Silvio Donald
Masillo, Richard A.
Masillo, Blanche Marie
Masillo, Vito & Schneider, Janice A.
Masillo, Vincent J.
Masillo, Ronald A. & Cassesse, Antonina
Masillo, Robert Carlo
Mebold, Susanna & Fäckh, Jakob
Meyer, Lois Marie
Miller, Christina C. & Chichester, Charles Sidney
Miller, John C. & Dilg, Margaret C.
Miller, Frederick C. & Ferris, Helen Phebe
Miller, Maud G. & Schott, David William
Miller, John Jr
Miller, Frederick & Daisy
Miller, Douglas Ferris & Reilly, Marcella P.
Mohl, Johannes & Müller, Anna Magdalena
Mona(g)han, Pádraig (Patrick) & Cahill, Catherine (or Caitrín)
Mona(g)han, James Francis & Sullivan, Catherine F.
Mona(g)han, James Francis & Gordon, Anne
Monaghan, Agnes R. & Flaherty, Thomas F.
Monaghan, Helen A. & Vickers, Joseph Gerard
Monaghan, Frances M. & Halley, Joseph
Monaghan, Clotilde M. & Wastie, Arthur Edward
Monaghan, Edward Francis & Dady, Vera Elizabeth
Monaghan, Joan Marie
Monahan, John? & Mother Of Patrick Monahan
Monahan, Ann
Monahan, Mary(ann) Irene & Nelson, James Aloysius
Monahan, John Joseph & McDonough, Helen Agnes
Monahan, Thomas William Sr. & Mittendorf, Elizabeth Catherine
Monahan, John Joseph & Vickers, Adele J.
Monahan, Walter Craig
Monahan, Thomas William Jr. & Crowley, Ethel Virginia
Monahan, Mary Elizabeth & Breslin, Andrew Joseph Jr.
Monahan, Patricia Ann & Hess, William Manert
Morton, Robert Edgar, Sr.
Müller, Konrad & Anna Maria
Müller, Johann Martin & Anna Margarethe
Müller, Johannes & Müller, Elizabethe
Müller, Johannes & Müller, Maria Katherine
Müller, Johannes Konrad & Nagel, Susanna
Müller, Johannes Konrad & Nagel, Anna Marie
Müller, Johann Martin & Müller, Anna Maria
Müller, Johann Martin & Dendel, Catherina
Müller, Elizabethe & Mebold, Lucas
Müller, Anna Marie & Mauthe, Andreas
Müller, Elisabethe Margarethe & Witte, Johann Friedrich
Müller, Catharina & Springer, Johann Martin
Müller, Catharina & Knost, Gerhard Heinrich "Henry"
Müller, Catharina & Winselman, William
Müller, Johann Jacob & Springer, Maria Regina
Müller, Johanna & Stotz, Conrad
Müller, Johanna & Rhiner, William Julius
Müller, Regina Maria & Keller, Jacob
Müller (Miller), Johannes (John) & Link, Christiana
Nagel, Johannes & Springer, Anna Maria
Nagel, Johann Jakob & Tafel, Anna Maria
Nagel, Johann Jakob & Stehle, Rosina
Nagel, Johannes & Stotz, Anna Maria
Nagel, Johann Konrad & Beutter, Elizabethe Margaretha
Nagel, Johann Jakob & Müller, Agatha Rosina
Nagel, Johann Jakob & Mohl, Anna Maria
Nagel, Anna Maria & Wolfen, Friedrich Gottlieb
Nagel, Anna Maria & Keller, Melchior
Nagel, Anna Barbara & Mohl, Johannes
Nagel, Anna & Müller, Johann Jacob
Nagel, Johann Jacob & Hauser, Maria Dorothea
Nagel, Maria Catharina & Eitel, Johann Friedrich
Nagel, Johann Christoph & Maurer, Anna Madgelena
Nagel, Johannes & Traub, Anna Maria
Nagel, Johannes & Huonker, Agnes Catharina
Nagel, Anna & Reich, Johann Georg
Nagel, Eva Catherine & Springer, Johann David
Nagel, Anna & Stotz, Christian
Nagel, Jakob Friedrich & Arnold, Rosina
Nelson, Albert James & Lane, Eleanor A.
Nelson, Catherine M. & Tice, Edward
Nelson, Raymond F. & McGrath, Mae
Nelson, Maria R. & Bohl, John M.
Nelson, Irene T. & Malloy, Thomas E.
Nelson, Marie Anne
Nicklas, Jacob & Koebel, Elizabeth
Nicklas, Henrietta Amelia & Relyea, David S.
Nicklas, Anna Elizabeth & Chichester, Samuel
Nicklas, Edgar Rudolph & Miller, Anna
Nicklas, William Jacob
Nicklas, John Michael & Moore, Mary Elizabeth
Nicklas, Ernest Raymond & Monahan, Catherine Clotilda
Nicklas, William Edgar & Cook, Jessica Ogilatri
Nicklas, Louella Irene
Nicklas, Florence Henrietta
Nicklas, Gertrude Adele & Dickert, Emil R.
Nicklas, Mary Elizabeth
Nicklas, Helen N. & Foley, Edward Warren
Nicklas, Helen N. & Anthony, William Henry
Nicklas, Mildred Elizabeth
Nicklas, John William & Haynie, Elizabeth Blocker
Nicklas, Christina Henrietta & Morton, Robert Stewart
Nicklas, Anna Marguerite & Ditterline, Roy Edwin, Sr.
Nicklas, Florence Althea & Allen, Lloyd Samuel
Nicklas, Catherine Anna & McGeehan, Francis Vincent
Nicklas, Edgar Raymond & Capurro, Edna
Nicklas, Janet Cook & Throop, Harold M
Nicklas, William Haynie
Niclaus, Josephi & Wagner, Elisabetae
Perasso, Giovanni & Capurro, Teresa
Perasso, Giuseppe & Annetta
Quade, Anna Louise Catherina & Schultz, W. E.
Quade, Quintin Frank & Keiser, Dorothy Ann
Relyea, Oliver Bennet & Weigold, Bertha Wilhelmina
Relyea, Grace F. & Desrochers, Louis A.
Relyea, Olive Elizabeth & Rover, John Harry
Relyea, Harold F. & Bergen, Dorothy E.
Rhiner, William M. & Martin, Matilda
Rhiner, Anna & Meyers, Thomas J.
Ritz, Robert Donald & Voss, Viola Pearl
Ritz, Gerald Louis
Ritz, Dorothy Vivian & Ryan, Herbert E.
Rover, Florence Elizabeth & McGee, Thomas Francis
Sarracco, Maria & Bianco, Pasquale
Schafstall, Jack E.
Schmied, Jakob & Treiber, Christina Barbara
Schmied, Anna Maria & Witzig, Jakob
Schott, Ethel Marguerite & Smith, Walter Robert
Schott, Maud Muriel & Gouak, Robert Myron Sr
Schulte, Alberta June
Sese, Thomas Lacueta
Stockelman, William Eugene
Stockelman, Arthur Raymond
Stotz, John Frederick & Marquart, Margaret Elizabeth
Stotz, Dora D. & Geyer, John Louis
Stotz, Conrad William & Anz, Katherine F.
Stotz, Henry E. & Hall, Emma
Stotz, Charles David Sr & Hussung, Otillia Amelia
Stotz, Reinhold
Stotz, Pearl & Innis
Stotz, Clara Blanche & Stage, William Earl
Stotz, Clifford Frederick & Tatlock, Mamie M.
Stotz, Katie Irene & Brown
Stotz, Raleigh Raymond & Rehm, Esther H.
Stotz, Oral De Witt & Wetzel, Alma
Stotz, Ralph Felix & Oathout, Dessie Alice
Stotz, Ruth L.
Stotz, Irvin Carl
Stotz, Charles David Jr & Wortham, Edith
Stotz, Katherine Mae & Bickel, Walter Elmer
Stotz, John Morton & Bartlett, Hella
Stotz, John Morton
Stotz, Marjorie Jean & Robison, Robert L.
Stotz, Ruth A. & Blevins
Stotz, Mary Lockman
Tafel, Peter & Cn, Agnes
Tafel, Christoph & Knöll, Anna
Tafel, Hans Ludwig & Kieffer, Ursula
Tafel, Christopher & Cn, Barbara
Tafel, Severus & Stotz, Catherina
Tafel, Christoph & Schmied, Anna Maria
Tafel, Johann Konrad & Bock, Anna
Tafel, Johann Konrad & Springer, Anna Maria
Tafel, Johann Christoph & Kieffer, Anna Maria
Tafel, Johann Jacob & Müller, Christina
Tafel, Johann Jacob & Keller, Anna Katharina
Tafel, Ursula & Danner, Jacob
Tafel, Johann Georg & Mohl, Maria Katharina
Tafel, Johann Jakob & Schmid, Johanna Christiane
Tafel, Agnes Katharina & Stotz, Wilhelm
Tafler, Sebastian
Tafler, Hans & N., Anna
Tierney, Lawrence James
Tierney, Gerard Kenneth (Scott Brady) & Tirony, Mary Veronica
Traub, Andreas & Stotz, Anna Barbara
Wastie, Peter Arthur
Weidig, Dora Annette & Toppe, Wilfred Henry
White, Catherine Phillipina & Harves, Heinrich Cord
White, Catherine Phillipina & Bohlke, Henry
White, John Frederick & Altemeyer, Anna S. M.
White, Charles Carl & Busam, Amelia Dorothea Sophia
White, Elizabeth Sophia & Hehman, George Frederick
White, Caroline Elizabeth & Ritz, Raymond Miller
White, Clara Frances B. & Weinert, William Raymond
White, Clara Frances B. & Roeder, Louis
White, Oscar Charles Henry & Dunker, Lydia
White, Marie & Mellencamp, Oscar
White, Frederick & Mellencamp, Irene
White, Dorothy "Dora" Alvina & Meyer, Frank
White, Elsie Verl & Darlage, Walter
White, Sophia Anna & Zumhinghst, Herbert Valentine
White, Elmer Raymond & Hehman, Martha Agnes
White, Ernest J. & Goecker, Louise Caroline
White, Louise Regina & Wolff, Raymond John
White, Nellie Gertrude & Stockelman, John Bernard
White, Emma Elizabeth & Schulte, Theodore Gustahf Henry
White, Albert & Wible, Irma
White, Betty Ann & Schafstall, Carl Frederick Gottlieb
White, Betty Ann
White, Barbara June
White, Barbara June & Behnke, Alfred William
Witzig, Georg Friedrich
Zumhinghst, Diane Elaine
Zumhinghst, Diane Elaine & Scott, Harold T.
Zumhinghst, Herbert Henry Carl
Zumhinghst, Orville Kenneth & Stroud, Doris Jeanette
Zumhinghst, Ronald E. & Stark, Lois Donice
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