About Using This Site
This is a frames-oriented genealogy web site. Depending on the browser you are using, you may be able to right-click in this frame, and choose back-frame or forward-frame, you may have navigation menu items similarly named, or you may be able to use your regular Forward and Back buttons to navigate around this site. In any case, you will be able to use the links provided in the frame panes that you see.
The vertical frame border between this pane and the index pane can be used for re-sizing. Grab it with your mouse pointer and you'll find that you can resize the panes by dragging the border left and right. Additionally, you may grab the frame border above this frame and drag it up and down, perhaps to better view the family data pages.
The pane on the left is used to seek directly to a person, family, or chronicle of interest. You can scroll it up and down. The links you'll see in this pane, in the tables, will navigate you up and down my family tree. There is both a Individual Index and a Family Index available. You can switch between them by using the links at the top and bottom of the lists.The index is ordered by SURNAME, Birth Date, then First Name. Another index provided is for pictures provided here.
The tables you see in this frame contain the information about the persons in this genealogical database. The tables are organized on a family basis. For each family you will generally see the Primary, then the Spouse, then the Family information; very much like a Family Group Sheet. For the Primary and Spouse there is event date and place information, and identification of parents, with their birth data. The family information includes birth date and name of the child, as well as family event information. Both the parents and children may be hyper-linked to elsewhere in this web site. Each person and/or family may also include additionl note text, pictures, or hyperlinks to other web sites.
The owner of this site was able to choose the person and family events presented on this site. This owner chose to include the person events of baptism, bar mitzvah, bas mitzvah, birth, burial, census, christening, confirmation, cremation, death, emigration, event, first communion, immigration, military, naturalization, occupation, residence. This owner also chose to include the family events of census, divorce, engagement, event, marriage, marriage bann, marriage contract, marriage license, marriage settlement.
The buttons in the upper left corner will always allow you to go directly to the home page (Back Home), to this page (ABOUT), or to send me mail (SEND E-MAIL).
The owner of this site was able to choose the persons represented on this site. This owner chose to include only members of the database that were born more than 100 years ago, or had already passed on. Families with both members (Primary and Spouse) living are not shown. Persons included that are deemed to be living are identified as Living.
E-mail me at RayNicklas@aol.com if you would like to contact me about my genealogy, or about this web site. This page generated 19 May 2020 by Family Matters® genealogy software, Beta Version 5.00.05. This page is a pane in a frames-oriented web site. If you see only this page, and not the frames, click here. To go to the top of this page, click here.